Thursday, September 3, 2015

Advertising in 1970's vs. Today

          In the 1970's marketing took a real hit and had a lot of challenges many entrepreneurs faced, most of those challenges we do not have today. Many companies that manufactured radios, TVs, and cassettes got swept away from the Japanese, gasoline shortages took place in 1973, as well as inflation. Although this decade faced many challenges it did not stop people from advertising their products. Everyday people saw approximately 1,600 ads a day due to television, 80 of those ads people noticed, and 12 of those ads actually had people react to it.

     Today people can see probably 2,000 advertisements, from television, billboards, and even flyers. Many people acknowledge these advertisements and react to them because of all the demands we now have as well as the wants we all face. While we face unemployment and many other economic struggles we do not face as many obstacles as people in the 1970's did. We are more technological advanced, our wants are different and have changed over time, also how we operate our market systems have changed some so today our advertisement has advanced and has helped many companies in making profits and getting their name out to many people whereas, back in the 1970's it was some advertisements but the wants and demands where not as high as they are today.

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